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Camp George's Resiliency Fund

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The URJ Camp George is a registered not-for-profit organization. Revenue Canada Business No. 86790 7271 RR0001. Gifts to camp are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law, and an acknowledgment of your donation will be sent.

Camp George Dining Hall Fire

At 5 pm ET on 1/2, a fire occurred in the Camp George Chadar Ohel. Thanks to the rapid response of the local fire department, the fire was quickly contained and did not not spread beyond the building. We are thankful no one was injured. 

The cause of the fire is being investigated and to the best of our knowledge, there is no suspicion of foul play. We will provide updates as more information becomes available. 

If you would like to make a special gift to Camp George to strengthen our community, please do so now! Thank you for the outpouring of concern and support.

Please use this donation page to give in CAD. If you would like to give in USD, please
visit our US donation page.

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